What you can do?
Stay Updated!
1. follow WUC social Media
2. Subscribe to the WUC’s newsletter you can subscribe here!
3. Read reports, press releases, etc.
- Read WUC’s press releases here.
- Read WUC’s weekly briefs here.
- Read WUC’s newsletters here.
- Read WUC’s reports here.
- Read UHRP’s reports here.
Get Involved!
1. Write letters to your local officials or call on local/national governments to pass relevant legislation.
2. Write letters to companies who are linked Uyghur forced labour.
3. Use #Hashtags on social media posts about the Uyghur issue.
List of Hashtags you can use:
#Uyghur, #FreeUyghurs, #CloseTheCamps, #NoRightsNoGames, #StillNoInfo, #UyghurPulse, #FreeIlhamTohti, #UyghurHumanRights, #EastTurkistan, #FreeGulshanAbbas #UyghurForcedLabour, #FreeUyghurScholars, #MeTooUyghur, #FreeRahilaDawut, etc.
4. Contact the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and urge them to provide humanitarian aid to Uyghur Refugees and Asylum Seekers.
5. If you are a Professor in a University, an independent researcher or scholar with a PHD, a PHD student, or a PHD candidate please sign the Statement by Concerned Scholars on China’s Mass Detention of Turkic Minorities or tell your professor about this initiative.
Support Uyghur Initiatives!
1. Sign Letters/Petitions
- Petition to the British parliament (British citizens
- Petition to the British parliament (Non-British citizens)
- Uyghur jailed for 15 years in secret trial: Ekpar Asat
- Grave health concerns for missing uyghur: Gulshan Abbas
- Uyghur businessman imprisoned in secret trial: Abduduaini Kadier
- Fears for uyghur academic demand answers: Tashpolat Tiyip
- List of Petitions:
- Stand Up For The Uyghur Muslims In China
- Help free Mahira
- Free Uyghurs from forced labor in China
- Freihandelsabkommen mit China neu verhandeln! #NoComplicity
- Free the Uyghurs!
- Government Pension Fund of Norway: Help to free the Uyghurs
2. Join Demonstrations
- List of upcoming WUC organized protests:
- *Due to the COVID-19, there are no protests planned at this moment.*
3. Donate!
- Lawyers for Uyghur Rights
For the Lawyers of Uyghur rights to prevent Huawei from taking part in the UK’s 5G network given the intense pain and suffering inflicted upon our people with this company playing an integral part of that oppression. Donate here for Lawyers for Uyghur rights! - World Uyghur Congress Support the Uyghur Tribunal
The World Uyghur Congress relies partially on donations from the public to support our advocacy activity, but we can’t do it without your help. Please donate to support our efforts to raise Uyghur human rights concerns with the international community. Donate here for WUC! - Support the Uyghur Tribunal
The Uyghur Tribunal, launched in September to investigate ongoing crimes committed by the CCP against the Uyghurs and other Turkic ethnic groups, has launched its crowdfunding campaign. The Uyghur Tribunal is one of the most valuable initiatives to address the Uyghur plight. Your contributions make a real difference; act now by donating here!
Learn About Uyghur Culture!
1. Uyghur Food
- Uyghur Restaurants in Munich
- – Tengri Tagh Uyghur Restaurant click here for the address!
- – Taklamakan Restaurant click here for the address!
- – Kashgar Uyghur Restaurant click here for the address!
- – Sultan Uyghur Restaurant click here for the address!
2. Literature, Visual arts
- Accounts to follow:
- –@Jlfreeman6
- –@SuluArtco
- –@UyghurCollective
- –@UyghurInstitute
3. Music, Dance
4. Kleidung, Arts crafts