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The World Uyghur Congress will hold its II. General Assembly meeting in Munich

Immediate Release
17 November 2006
Contact: General Secreteriat of WUC
Phone: 089 54321999, Fax: 089 54349789

Munich- The World Uyghur Congress (WUC) will hold its Second General Assembly meeting in Munich, Germany, between 24-27, 2006. The opening plenary session will be held on November 24, at Eden Hotel Wolff, Arnulfstr 4, 80336 Munich, between 19:00-23:00 hours.

Leaders of the German political parties, Federal and Local government officials as well as the representatives of the international organizations such as the Amnesty International, Society for Threatened Peoples, Human Rights Without Frontiers, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization have been invited to the opening plenary session.

WUC members from United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium, France, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, will be attending the meeting.

Above all, Ms. Rebiya Kadeer, the Mother of the Uyghur people, prominent human rights activist and the nominee of the 2006 Noble Peace Prize will come to honour the Second General Assembly meeting of the WUC.

During the two-day meeting, WUC members will review the report of the general secretariat, discuss future plans and programs and elect the new leadership

The WUC is an international organization that represents the collective interest of the Uyghur people both in East Turkestan and abroad. WUC was established on April 16, 2004 in Munich, Germany after East Turkestan National Congress and the World Uyghur Youth Congress merged into one united organization. The main objective of the WUC is to promote the right of the Uyghur people to use peaceful, nonviolent , and democratic means to determine the political future of East Turkestan.