Press Release – For immediate Release
12 August 2024
Contact: World Uyghur Congress
+49 89 5432 1999 or [email protected]
Am heutigen Montag schließen sich 11 Menschenrechts- und Diaspora-Organisationen zur „Koalition gegen Transnationale Repression in Deutschland“ (TNR-Koalition) zusammen. Transnationale Repression ist eine Strategie meist autokratischer Regierungen, um ihre Kritiker im Ausland mundtot zu machen. Exilant*innen können auch in Deutschland oft nicht sicher leben; sie werden bedroht, eingeschüchtert oder gar gewaltsam verfolgt. Die TNR-Koalition will sich gemeinsam gegen Bedrohung und Einschüchterung in Deutschland einsetzen.
„Wenn Menschen in Deutschland verfolgt werden, dann sind sie bislang mit ihren Ängsten allein“, sagt David Missal, Sprecher der Tibet Initiative Deutschland, welche die Koalition ins Leben gerufen hat „Transnationale Repression ist nicht nur eine Bedrohung für Einzelpersonen, sondern auch eine Herausforderung für Demokratie und Rechtstaatlichkeit. Dafür braucht es in Deutschland mehr Aufmerksamkeit – und politische Antworten. Wir haben uns als Bündnis zusammengetan, um ein deutliches Zeichen zu setzen: Opfer von transnationaler Repression müssen ernst genommen und geschützt werden.“
Die TNR-Koalition setzt sich für die Sensibilisierung von Öffentlichkeit, Politik und Behörden ein, die mit gefährdeten Gruppen zu tun haben. Sie berät bei der Erarbeitung politischer und zivilgesellschaftlicher Lösungen und ist eine starke Stimme für Betroffene. Die Koalition vertritt Opfer transnationaler Repression, die mutmaßlich auf Regierungen in China, Aserbaidschan, Vietnam, Belarus, Ägypten, der Türkei, Syrien und dem Iran zurückgeht.
Gründungsmitglieder sind die Tibet Initiative Deutschland, Mikroskop Media, JAM e.V., das veto! Human Rights Defenders‘ Network – Deutsche Sektion e.V., die Law and Democracy Support Foundation (LDSF) e.V., Freiheit für Hongkong e.V., MangMang Magazine, Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V. (RSF), die Belarusische Gemeinschaft Razam e.V., der World Uyghur Congress (WUC) sowie der Verein der Tibeter in Deutschland e.V.
Today, Monday, 11 human rights and diaspora organisations are joining forces to form the “Coalition against Transnational Repression in Germany” (TNR Coalition). Transnational repression is a strategy employed by mostly authoritarian governments to silence their critics abroad. Exiles often cannot live safely in Germany either; they face threats, intimidation, or even violent persecution. The TNR Coalition aims to collectively combat threats and intimidation in Germany.
“When people are persecuted in Germany, they have so far been alone with their fears,” says David Missal, spokesperson for Tibet Initiative Germany, which initiated the coalition. “Transnational repression is not only a threat to individuals but also a challenge to democracy and the rule of law. This requires more attention and political responses in Germany. We have come together as a coalition to send a clear message: victims of transnational repression must be taken seriously and protected.”
The TNR Coalition is committed to raising awareness among the public, policymakers and authorities dealing with vulnerable groups at risk. It advises on the development of political and civil society solutions and serves as a strong voice for those affected. The coalition represents victims of transnational repression, which is believed to originate from governments in China, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Belarus, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and Iran.
Founding members include Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V., Mikroskop Media, JAM e.V., veto! Human Rights Defenders’ Network – German Section e.V., the Law and Democracy Support Foundation (LDSF) e.V., Freiheit für Hongkong e.V., MangMang Magazine, Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V. (RSF), Belarusische Gemeinschaft Razam e.V., the World Uyghur Congress (WUC), and Verein der Tibeter in Deutschland e.V.
Mission Statement
We are a coalition of German human rights and diaspora organizations that aim to raise awareness about the threat of transnational repression (TNR) and its impact on human rights, freedom and security in Germany.
Growing authoritarianism worldwide is forcing more and more critical voices, dissidents, human rights defenders, members of persecuted peoples and journalists into exile. Germany is an important harbor for members of these groups. Open criticism, networking within the diaspora and outreach in the regions of origin makes them a target for authoritarian regimes and their supporters. In Germany, too, critical voices and members of threatened peoples are subjected to repression from their countries of origin.
Our coalition defines TNR as a strategy employed by foreign governments reaching across borders to intimidate, silence, or harm members of diaspora and exile communities in order to prevent them from exercising their human rights as defined in the German Basic Law. TNR includes physical and digital attacks, stalking, surveillance, obstructing mobility, coercing people back to their home countries, and threats from afar such as coercion by proxy. Some threats may be punishable under German criminal law, while in many cases attacks are purposefully conducted below the threshold of criminal liability. It is many times obvious that they originate from state actors, but often difficult to prove in court. Important contact points, such as law enforcement agencies, lack experience with transnational repression. This makes it difficult to acknowledge, understand, persecute and counteract TNR in Germany.
The coalition is committed to promoting a better understanding of the phenomenon, protection and support for those affected and to raising awareness among society, politics, security authorities and administration. To promote these goals, the Coalition provides a space for affected people and civil society organizations to exchange ideas, carries out public relations and networking work and engages in joint advocacy work.
Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V.
Mikroskop Media
JAM e.V.
veto! Human Rights Defenders’ Network – Deutsche Sektion e.V.
Law and Democracy Support Foundation (LDSF) e.V.
Freiheit für Hongkong e.V.
MangMang Magazine
Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V. (RSF)
Belarusische Gemeinschaft Razam e.V.
World Uyghur Congress (WUC)
Verein der Tibeter in Deutschland e.V.
Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V.
Since 1989, the Tibet Initiative Deutschland (TID) has been advocating for the Tibetan
people’s right to self-determination and the protection of human rights in Tibet. In recent
years, TID has increasingly been campaigning against China’s influence in Germany. We
have about 1,500 members and 50 regional volunteer chapters throughout the country.
Mikroskop Media
Mikroskop Media is an Azerbaijani exiled media currently based in Berlin, Germany. It
was launched in February 2018 by exiled journalists Fatima Karimova and Javid
Abdullayev. Mikroskop Media covers investigative stories, fact-checking materials,
explanatory videos, monitoring and infographics. Since 2021 the English version of it has
also been active.
Journalisten und Anwälte für Meinungsfreiheit (JAM) e.V.
JAM e.V. was established in Berlin to support free speech and journalism in exile. We are
working to support media professionals in exile in the best way can including offering
legal support, professional training, opportunities for integration with host county media
as well as conducting advocacy against threats from home governments and against
populist propaganda.
veto! Human Rights Defenders’ Network – Deutsche Sektion e.V.
veto! was founded in 2014 and is based in Germany. veto! aims at protecting human
rights defenders. We advocate for the release of imprisoned human rights defenders and
support them to continue their human rights work in exile.
Law and Democracy Support Foundation (LDSF) e.V.
Non-profit organization based in Berlin, dedicated to supporting the rule of law,
upholding human rights, and defending freedom of opinion and expression. It actively
promotes the freedoms of assembly and peaceful protest while striving to combat
impunity. It also advocates for democratic transition in Egypt and the Middle East
through raising awareness, exposing human rights violations, and enhancing the
legislative framework governing rights and freedoms.
Freiheit für Hongkong e.V.
Freiheit für Hongkong e.V. (Freedom for Hong Kong Association) is a registered charitable
non-government organization based in Berlin. It was founded in 2022 by activists from
Hong Kong and Germany in response to the continual deterioration of the human rights
situation in Hong Kong. Our mission is to strive for a free and democratic Hong Kong.
MangMang Magazine
MangMang is an independent diaspora media based in Europe. It was founded in 2022
by members of the Chinese diaspora living in Germany after the Blank Paper Movement.
We aim to provide uncensored information and articles in Chinese language. Since
2022, MangMang has been a platform for sharing uncensored perspectives of overseas
Chinese youth, from personal stories to reflections on and responses to public issues.
MangMang focuses on social movements, human rights issues and gender issues
related to China, and is committed to providing space for young Chinese activists to
express themselves openly and freely.
Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V. (RSF)
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is an international NGO defending media freedom
since 1985. RSF has 14 offices worldwide, a network of correspondents in 130 countries
and consultative status with the United Nations. In 1994, RSF Germany was founded as
the German section of the organisation, based in Berlin.
Belarusische Gemeinschaft Razam e.V.
The Belarusian community RAZAM e.V. was officially founded on 9 August 2020. Razam
promotes the representation of the interests of the Belarusian diaspora in Germany,
including the Belarusian language and culture. It aims at making Belarus visible to the
German and European public and engages in strong advocacy for a democratic Belarus.
Razam actively supports and provides assistance to victims of repression, including
political prisoners.
World Uyghur Congress (WUC)
Founded in 2004 in Germany, the WUC represents Uyghur interests globally, advocating
their rights through peaceful, democratic means for East Turkistan’s future. WUC
coordinates worldwide Uyghur groups and collaborates with various partners,
promoting Uyghur human rights, religious freedom, and democracy on national and
international platforms, including the UN and EU. It actively engages in advocacy
campaigns, submits reports, and organizes events to highlight Uyghur issues.
Verein der Tibeter in Deutschland e.V.
On 29 December, the Association of Tibetans in Germany was founded in Hennef near
Bonn by Tibetans living in Germany. The safeguarding and enhancement of Tibetan
language and culture, as pillars of national identity, are key aspects of the association’s
mission. This encompasses various activities, including Tibetan language classes and
cultural programs for children. Another aspect of the association’s work is its dedicated
involvement in the international Tibet movement. The Association of Tibetans in
Germany maintains close relations with international Tibetan organizations and various
national and international support groups. It is actively engaged in meetings and
collaborates in the planning and execution of political campaigns.